You will hear many opinions in the lead up to local elections: The Black/Gold/Green will blame apartheid, the Blue will blame the Black/Gold/Green, the Red will blame the White and the multicoloured will blame everyone else.
BUT – You will not hear one party with the courage to blame YOU and I. That one pointing finger will have three others pointing back!
We need to allow the realisation to sink in that WE let OURSELVES down post 1994 by abdicating our responsibility to fight the GOOD political fight to those whom we chose at South Africa’s first democratic elections.
We forgot that with “Great Power Comes Great Responsibility.”
Maybe we were just tired from decades of struggles and just wanted a bit of time in the sun BUT forgot that evil festers when not kept in check.
And now the evil cancer has grown apace – so much so that the evil now engulfs all political parties in this Circle of Chaos that WE created by taking our eye off of the ball and trusting those that we elected to “Do the Right Thing!”
Often the only way to get rid of a festering cancer is to cut away the diseased portion along with a good portion of healthy tissue. Why you may ask? Because the healthy tissue was exposed to the disease and may fill in the ‘void’ left behind by the cancerous tissue.
We need a return to elected leaders who have the ability and energy to focus on our problems on a MICRO level and fix Nelson Mandela Bay street by street, ward by ward.
Should I stand in the Nelson Mandela Bay local elections this year I will NOT be asking you to give me your vote, BUT RATHER, I will be asking you to give me BOTH your votes – one for Ward 7 and one for the party.
Please Contribute to a Better Ward 7 With a Comment