Wouldn’t you rather have your leaders being corrupt for South Africa?
We witness the many instances of selfish fraud and corruption in our country by many people voted into power to do the bidding of our constituents.
Most of those instances of fraud and corruption involve the same form of ‘sleight of hand’: The person accused of fraud and corruption is a member of a legal entity that is granted a large contract from a department that the accused has large influence over.
Frankly these amoeba headed miscreants need to take a lesson – be corrupt for South Africa!
What do I mean?
Every single person in South Africa (politician, businessman, preacher, teacher, dustman etc.) needs to be CORRUPT FOR SOUTH AFRICA. We need to take decisions that will ONLY be good for South Africa as a whole, we need to be selfishly proud of who we are, we need to spread the love and benefit to all. The ONLY driving factor that we should apply to any decision should be; “Is this good for the majority of South African Citizens?” Any doubt should be put to a wider vote.
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