Time to Leave the Low Hanging Fruit alone
I note with pride the efforts by the new COGG government in the Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality to rebuild our City by fixing potholes, fences, braai areas, picnic spots and the like.
My sense of pride is tinged with a bit of cynicism. The cynic in me says; “Why are they NOT tackling the ROOT CAUSE of all this neglect?”
Could it all be to do with timing?
With local elections slated to occur close to November this year any local government does not have time to make lasting permanent change by tackling the things that really need to be solved – fraud, corruption, incompetence, graft, lack of pride, lack of trust, you name it – so they do the cosmetic things only.
Like putting lipstick on a pig the City will remain a pig!
Maybe someone with better brains than I can answer this observation?
“If you really have the well-being of our City at heart then why do you not tackle the ROOT CAUSE problems first? Could it be because you are afraid of losing your jobs?”
DEFINITION: To put “lipstick on a pig” means making superficial or cosmetic changes to a product in a futile effort to disguise its fundamental failings.
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