Tim posed this question on Facebook recently; “I believe that it is correct that SA have adopted the approach that its elected representatives (and its civil service) should be resemble the demographic of the general population. The truth though is that right now the (private sector part of ) the demographic are loosing their jobs and livelihoods in great numbers. It can therefore only be fair that elected officials and those drawing a salary from government take a similar knock. Since half of Small business have been forced to close over the last 12 months, I suggest that either every elected representative or government employee take a 50% pay cut or alternatively that half them be retrenched. Convince me why this is unreasonable !!!!”
In the comments Tim replied to Brent Warren saying; “There is a new political party called AIM. I would be very interested to hear from Mkhuseli ‘Khusta’ Jack and Gary M Koekemoer and Alan W. Straton to get their view on the urgency to reduce public sector spend at local government level. (I know that these top quality individuals are by no means aloof and are interested to engage with ordinary people like us).”
My Answer was:
Stand by for a long(ish) story…
In the old days Councillors were reimbursed for expenses. I have no doubt that they were privy to sensitive information that they could use to their advantage as well.
Post 1994 Councillors entered the payroll of the ratepayer and yes, Wards shrunk and Councillors increased.
Councillors may hold other jobs as well as collect their healthy salaries. (See: From 2018 BUT Still Relevant – Councillor and Mayor Salaries)
Our Mayor (at one stage) was the highest paid Mayor in SA (and could still be)!
The number bandied about in terms of Ward Councillor focus is as follows: 80% of time on party politics and 20% on Ward business.
Add 120 PR Councillors to the payroll and you start getting a very frightening picture.
I have witnessed consensus from all political parties in council on the occasions when a vote has been called to ratify the salary increase for all.
We need to draw Councillors from the ranks of business and community service/activism. Those people must have a history of such ability (or pig headiness). Our Ward Councillors need to be able to devote 100% of their effort to their Ward OR at the very least 20% to party politics and 80% to Ward business.
Basically I am saying that before we go and drastically reduce the numbers of Wards lets drastically increase the ROI that we get from each Ward and Ward Councillor. Lets slow the spend on Councillors down with a freeze on salary increases for a set amount of time. Lets take the notion out of the equation that says being a Ward Councillor is for the money and get back that being a Ward Councillor is being at the COAL FACE of citizen engagement and an ideal way to practise SERVANT LEADERSHIP.
Let’s also not forget that each Ward Councillor pays a ‘tithe’ – maybe ‘franchise fee’ is a better term – to their political party and the higher the salary the higher the ‘tithe’ which would go a long way to explaining another reason why Political Parties are quick to rush to court. The Mayor (or the Mayor’s party) selects the Mayoral Committee and they are all being paid on or around the R1 Million per annum mark – that is a bucket load of cash going into a War Chest to fight elections all over the country and support admin structures.
WHICH again makes sense to rather vote for an independent or LOCAL ONLY party that will (of necessity) ensure that the money STAYS in our City.
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