We have had a paradigm shift in how we are treated and how we treat others.
Our society is shifting from being a black and white, brutally honest, Presbyterian Work Ethic, Bible morality driven, God fearing one to an amorphous shape shifting being that, rightfully so, recognises everyone’s rights but does not seem to be one that takes corrective action when one of our tribe sins against us or our neighbours.
Take our political leaders for example:
We have leaders that lead for a cheque, a payday, a kickback and, as a result of our political system, those politicians HAVE TO make everyone feel good about themselves. This is seen by all as the only way to keep votes and stay in power for another 5 years.
Our ‘average Joe results driven’ society is what has gotten us into this mess.
We do not see our leaders being honest with us in thought, deed or action.
A small few of our elected leaders do speak the truth and when they do they are quickly pulled down into the murky morass of squabble, accusation and mediocrity.
As a child of a driven Father who was not afraid to call a spade a spade it has taken me many years to finally appreciate THAT point of view. Admittedly, my Father was not someone who could dish out praise that a young child needs so I did suffer a bit from exposure to that extreme deprivation.
What seems to have occurred now though is that we over-praise any and everybody for the most mundane thing as we think that in some sense that makes us more LIKEABLE – I am sure that there are more ‘likes’ and ‘thumbs ups’ given on Social Media than any other Emoji!
Are we doing our children, employees, voters a disservice if we:
- DO NOT correct their actions
- Continue praising poor work
- Give certificates of accomplishment for breathing
- Allow scholars to progress when they get marks far below 50%
- Not speak out against wanton destruction
- Fail to engage with our constituents
Are we not setting Nelson Mandela Bay up for failure when we accept sub standard exam marks, work, attitude and a distinct lack of pride?
I shudder to think what I would have done had I lived in a cotton wool bubble where my every move was praised only to leave home, get a job and be chased away because I was brought up to believe that I could do no wrong and that every thing I did was the most amazing thing in the world?
What would you do if faced with such a reality check?
That resentment could bubble over into criminal actions against society, family, country.
Speak Truth to Power:
God grant us leaders not afraid to speak the truth,
God grant us citizens not afraid to speak the truth,
God grant us leaders and citizens not afraid to hear the truth,
God grant us leaders and citizens not afraid to change as a result.
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